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Fritz Haag

2019/10/28  浏览次数:

The first record of the Fritz Haag estate is from 1605, with the Haag family having continuous ownership since that point.Wilhelm Haag returned to the estate in 1957, due to his father Fritz being ill. Wilhelm was named German Winemaker of the Year in 1994 by the Gault Millau Guide to German Wines. Wilhelm retired in 2005 and the responsibility for the wine making was passed on to his younger son Oliver Haag. Oliver had graduated with a degree in oenology at Geisenheim College, and undertaken apprenticeships at Dönnhoff and Karthäuserhof. Oliver runs the winery with his wife Jessica. Oliver's brother, Thomas Haag, has owned and run Weingut Schloss Lieser since 1993.
哈格酒庄最早的可考记录要追溯到1605年,一份文件证明了哈格家族在那时对那片土地的所有权。1957年,鉴于其父亲的病情,威尔汉姆·哈格从开始接手酒庄的管理。1994年,威尔汉姆被《高乐 ·米罗指南》评为当年的年度德国酿酒师。2005年, 威尔汉姆退休,把酒庄交给了他的小儿子奥利弗 ·哈格。奥利弗毕业于盖森海姆大学葡萄酒酿造专业,并在杜恩霍夫酒庄和卡尔杜塞霍夫酒庄实习。 奥利弗跟其妻子杰西卡一起管理酒庄。

Weingut Fritz Haag is a member of the Großer Ring Verband Deutscher Prädikats - und Qualitätsweingüter. Wilhelm Haag was formerly chairman of the Grosser Ring VDP Mosel from 1984 to 2004 and continues as an honorary chairman.
奥利弗的哥哥,托马斯·哈格,从1993年开始拥有并管理了莉赛尔城堡酒庄。 哈格酒庄是德国顶级酒庄联盟(VDP)的成员之一。 威尔汉姆·哈格在1984年至2004年间,担任VDP摩塞尔地区主席,且至今仍旧担任名誉主席一职。

Owner & Winemaker: Oliver Haag


地址:上海市静安区长乐路672弄14号1楼电话:+86-181 1615

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